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0044 7790 816 954 (Europe)
- “13th DRUG DISCOVERY Strategic Summit (DDSS) ”
- “AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference”
- “SDDA(中国新药研发协会)28期会议”
- “Discovery on Target 2023 (DOT 2023) ”
- “14th DRUG DISCOVERY Strategic Summit (DDSS)”
- “第四届CGT Asia”
- “AAPS 2023 PHARMSCI 360”
- “CABS 2023 BioPacific Conference”
- “中国毒理学会全国青年科技大会暨第二届中国毒理学会生物技术药物毒理与安全评价委员会学术会议”
Medicilon Booth #6
This time, let's meet in Amsterdam!
13th DRUG DISCOVERY Strategic Summit (DDSS) is coming! Medicilon is excited to exhibit in the conference. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Medicilon drug discovery services include chemistry (synthetic chemistry, medicinal chemistry) and biology. In terms of chemistry, it can undertake multi-dimensional business such as custom synthesis, compound library construction, SAR compound synthesis and screening, compound structure and biological activity optimization.
The medicinal chemistry team deeply cross-integrates chemistry and biology into each project, and flexibly uses the powerful expertise of computational chemistry to aid the compound design process. At the same time, Medicilon extensively uses advanced drug discovery technology, including AI, PROTAC, ADC antibody drug conjugation technology, etc. Medicilon efficiently promotes customers' drug research and development projects, controls costs, and improves quality!
由中国药学会药物化学专业委员会、中国药科大学和重庆两江新区管理委员会主办的“2023中国药物化学学术会议”(CMCS2023)将于2023年10月7日至10日在重庆两江新区举行。会议的承办单位为重庆中国药科大学创新研究院,协办单位为重庆药智网络传媒有限公司。根据中国药学会(CPA)与欧洲药物化学联盟(EFMC)签署的合作框架协议,中-欧药物化学研讨会(CPA-EFMC International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, CPA-EFMC ISMC)将同期举行。
Medicilon will exhibit in the AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference with the Booth 600.
Medicilon team will be present throughout the conference.
Medicilon boasts nearly 300 tumor evaluation models. At the same time, we are empowering innovative therapies to comprehensively evaluate and study immuno-oncology. We have completed model establishment and efficacy evaluation of immuno-therapies such as CAR-T, TCR-T, CAR-NK, oncolytic virus, antibody (monoclonal, double, polyclonal), siRNA and AAV.
At Medicilon, we are passionate about our role in novel drug discovery and research to improve people's health. We prioritize adherence to timelines and utilize a multidisciplinary approach to solve our global clients’ research challenges and provide cost effective solutions to deliver high-quality data at every stage of drug research and development.
第89届中国医药原料药/中间体/包装/设备交易会(API China)、第二十七届中国国际医药(工业)展览会暨技术交流会(CHINAPHARM)将于10月18-20日在南京国际博览中心举办。
第89届API China & 第二十七届CHINA-PHARM 作为中国制药工业领域行业盛宴,FG电子将与制药人同心共行,全力以赴,将携手1200余家医药原料药、中间体、药用辅料、医药包装、制药设备企业,与全国5000余家制药生产企业及近三万余名制药行业同仁,创新合作,寻找生机。以创新推动产业升级,塑造中国制药工业发展新优势 ,与制药行业同仁共同打造一条韧性强、安全高,不断变长变宽的产业链。
Medicilon Stand H1
Ready to meet Medicilon at ELRIG DRUG DISCOVERY 2023?
This time, you can not only visit our table, but also focus the speech “CHEMISTRY ENABLING DRUG DISCOVERY FROM START TO CLINIC” by our EVP and Head of IDSU, Dr. Xuedong Dai.
This year’s Scientific Tracks cover a wide range of themes including ‘omics, personalized medicine, and chemistry, all focused on bringing new therapies from the lab to the patient and with new tools being developed all the time.
Medicilon has the global-leading new molecule types R&D platform and extensive experience of cutting-edge projects and closely followed the forefront of new drug R&D technological development. Medicilon will continue to use the latest technology to enable global pharmaceutical innovation, and continue to invest substantially in further improving service capabilities for new molecule types, such as PROTAC, oligonucleotide, peptide, ADC, bi-specific antibody, cell and gene therapies, to capture new business opportunities and empower global pharmaceutical innovation.
Medicilon Booth #4
Join Medicilon at 14th DRUG DISCOVERY Strategic Summit (DDSS)
The 14th Drug Discovery Strategic Summit (DDSS) is a purpose-built conference deliberately intended to address your concerns of corporate growth with a unique experience through an innovation-focused agenda, pre-scheduled meetings between potential collaborators and a host of reliable executives. So get ready for an in-depth two days of networking and learning that will directly lead to the growth of your business as you discover the best practices that produce better medications and create lasting relationships with the people that matters the most to your business.
We are happy to meet you in person to discuss how our services and capabilities can support your research and expedite your drug discovery and development activities.
FG电子首席科学官彭双清教授受邀出席2023年10月19-20日在广州举办的“第四届CGT Asia”,并将于10月19日上午在全体大会:政策与最新研究进展发表主题演讲“新途径技术方法(NAMs)对创新药物非临床研究策略的影响与挑战”。
由谈思生物主办的第三届CGT Asia于2023年4月3日-4日在上海成功举办,现场高朋满座,同期举行的业内首届“CGT 行业之星”颁奖盛典获得了众多专家的认可与好评。应新老参会嘉宾强烈要求,10月19日-20日将首次在广州举办CGT Asia 嘉年华,“探路细胞新药 共话免疫未来”,CGT Asia 2023第四届亚洲细胞与基因治疗创新峰会(广州站)、3DCC 2023 3D细胞培养与类器官研发峰会同期举行。
Medicilon Booth #2456
American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) PharmSci 360
Join Medicilon at AAPS 2023 PHARMSCI 360 in the beautiful Orlando!
Troubled by your current problems with drug discovery? Meet Medicilon at AAPS 2023 PHARMSCI 360! It kicks off on October 22, 2023 in Orlando. Medicilon team will be present in person at booth #2456! Maybe Medicilon can help you solve your current problem and become a partner of choice!
Medicilon is continuedly advancing its technology platforms constantly, collaborating closely with our global clients to deliver demanding and innovative novel drug research. As of 2022, Medicilon has successfully developed more than 100 preclinical candidates for our global clients. During the preclinical candidate stage, Medicilon identifies lead compounds with high activity and selectivity through high-throughput screening and AI design, and further optimizes the lead compounds (including physicochemical properties, early drugggability, metabolic stability, pharmacokinetics, toxicity prediction, etc.) to obtain the preclinical candidate compound (PCC) and then a suitable back-up compound, to further enable the research work into the IND stage.
Join Medicilon at the CABS 2023 BioPacific Conference
This year marks the 25th anniversary of Chinese American Bio/Pharmaceutical Society (CABS). As we reflect on our accomplishments, the sky of the biopharmaceutical industry is clouded with some pressing questions. What is the trend of drug discovery when the low-hanging fruits of single targets have already been picked? As ChatGPT has become an instantaneous household name, how is the industry going to harness the soaring power of generative AI to boost its growth? How and where are the investors going to invest in a season of capital scarcity? What are the best pieces of advice for career development in a time with no shortage of turbulence? The 2023 BioPacific Conference, with its stellar assembly of speakers/panels, would like to have these critical questions addressed.
Medicilon is an integrated contract research organization (CRO) providing comprehensive one-stop services from initial idea to IND enabling studies and API manufacture for biotech, pharmaceutical companies and research institutions. With 20 years’ experience in serving drug discovery, we have built an integrated technical platform covering, small molecule and large molecule drug discovery, in vivo and in vitro pharmacology, and preclinical IND enabling capabilities, to support drug development for today’s dynamic industry.
第四届生物设计研究大会暨现代生物技术发展与应用国际学术研讨会”将于2023年10月27日至30日在湖北武汉举行。会议由湖北大学、南京农业大学、《生物设计研究》(BioDesign Research)期刊主办,省部共建生物催化与酶工程国家重点实验室、湖北大学生命科学学院、湖北省合成生物学学会、中国微生物学会分子微生物学及生物工程专业委员会、北京擎科生物科技股份有限公司、享融智云(上海)信息科技有限公司承办。
本次会议旨在展示合成生物学与现代生物技术领域的最新成果和研究进展,促进现代生物技术、生物系统设计与合成生物学等相关领域的国内外专家之间的交流与合作;将围绕“大数据分析与人工智能(Big Data Analysis and AI)、 使能技术开发与应用(Enabling Technology and Applications)、 智能控制与高通量鉴定筛选(Intelligent Control and HTP Screening)、 微生物重编程与应用(Microbial Reprogramming and Applications)、 藻类与植物育种(Algae and Plant Breeding)、细胞医学工程与人类健康(Cell Medical Engineering and Human Health)、生物经济与气候变化(Bioeconomy and Climate Changes)、生物安全与伦理(Biosafety and Ethics)、政策与资本驱动力(Driving Force of Policy and Investment)”九个主题以大会报告、特邀报告、青年论坛、研究生海报、圆桌讨论等多种形式开展。