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- “2023SAPA-China年会”
- “Neuroscience 2023”
- "2023 USTCBAA Boston Technology Summit"
- “ACT 44th Annual Meeting”
- “EFMC-ISCB 2023”
- “SITC 2023 ”
Ready to Meet Medicilon at SITC's 38th Annual Meeting & Pre-Conference Programs (SITC2023)?
We are happy to meet you in person to discuss how our services and capabilities can support your research and expedite your drug discovery and development activities.
Cellular immunotherapy has developed by leaps and bounds in recent years, providing a cure for many difficult-to-treat cancers. Medicilon has built a one-stop service platform for the preclinical R&D of cellular immunotherapies, covering a variety of immunotherapy methods including CAR-T, TCR-T and CAR-NK. Using a wealth of animal models and a variety of advanced analysis techniques, comprehensively considering the characteristics of different research projects, Medicilon has completed numerous pre-clinical projects for clients worldwide.
Date: November 1-5, 2023
Location: San Diego Convention Center
主题一:人工智能(AI)赋能与加速小分子药创新,11月3日 16:10-16:50
主题二:AlphaFold开创生物大分子药AI新时代,11月4日 11:30-12:00
SAPA是活跃于中美两地最大的以华人为主的生物医药专业组织之一。协会的宗旨是推动生物医药科学与技术的发展,促进产业投资及商务合作,普及公众健康教育,协助会员职业生涯的发展。SAPA总部位于美国新泽西·大纽约地区,同时设有美国新英格兰区(波士顿NE)分会、大费城地区(费城GP)分会、华盛顿特区 (DC)分会、康州(CT)分会、中西部(芝加哥 MW)和中国(China)分会。SAPA自成立以来,为生物医药及健康行业国际交流搭建了一座桥梁,为推动跨国企业、中国本土企业和国际创新创业的技术交流和商务合作做了大量的工作,在北美和中国建立起了良好的声誉和受到广泛的尊敬。
今年苏州年会的主旨是“生物医药无国界,创新合作向未来”。两天半的会议包括11月2日下午的会前会,3日上午的主会场(国际和国内视角: 新形势下创新药发展),3日下午和4日整天,共12个论坛,31个主题分享交流。
由上海市生物医药产业发展领导小组办公室指导,上海生物医药产业促进中心、上海市生物医药科技发展中心、上海医药行业协会、上海士研管理咨询有限公司联合主办的 2023 APM 第四届亚洲制药产业大会将于 11 月 9-10 日在上海召开!
Join Medicilon at Neuroscience 2023!
Scientists from around the world will congregate at Neuroscience 2023 to discover new ideas, share their research, and experience the best the field has to offer.
Medicilon Pharmacodynamics Department can deliver multiple nervous system models based on anti-depressants, anti-Alzheimer's drugs, sedative-hypnotic and anti-anxiety drugs, analgesics, anti-convulsants, anti-Parkinson's drugs, and anti-schizophrenia drugs. Those models can effectively evaluate innovative drugs at the molecular and cellular level, as well as ex vivo, and in vivo. The Department's advanced Cognition Wall Discrimination learning ensures uninterrupted tracking to determine changes in memory function in double transgenic mice during early-stage Alzheimer's disease and eliminates the disadvantages of the Morris water maze (MWM) in stress interference and short-time tests.
Dates: Saturday, November 11–Wednesday, November 15
Location: Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C.
Join Medicilon at the 2023 USTCBAA Boston Technology Summit
As one of the global centers for education, technology, and innovation, Boston provides us with a unique platform to collectively envision the future of technology and bring together the wisdom and strength of our alumni community. The 2023 USTCBAA Boston Technology Summit will cover four major themes: artificial intelligence, biomedicine, quantum physics, and financial investments, with the aim of presenting an inspiring and exchange-promoting technological feast for our community in new England area. This year's Summit will build upon the success of the Summit in 2022, commencing with an opening remark by Professor Xue Tian (Class of 9500), Assistant to the President of the University of Science and Technology of China and recipient of the Scientific Exploration Award.
During the conference, our EVP and Head of IDSU, Dr. Xuedong Dai will give a wonderful speech.
Date: November 12th, 2023 (9 AM-5 PM)
Location: MIT Building 10 Room 250 (222 Memorial Dr, Cambridge, MA 02139)
Join Medicilon for American College of Toxicology (ACT) 44th Annual Meeting.
The conference starts from November 12-15 at Orlando, Florida.
Medicilon team will be present throughout the conference. Medicilon’s state-of-the-art facilities are fully AAALAC-accredited. With state-of-the-art platforms and experienced scientists, Medicilon ensures that drug efficacy and safety assessments are conducted in the most professional manner while meeting the global regulatory standard. From stand-alone preclinical studies to comprehensive IND-enabling packages, Medicilon provides flexible service options to assist biopharmaceutical clients efficiently reach their development milestones. Our toxicology research can be carried out according to non-GLP or GLP standards. By the end of 2022, there are already 12 full-set IND projects done in Medicilon (including API, formulation, PD, PK, and safety assessment).
Date: November 12-15, 2023
Location: Orlando, Florida
Medicilon Booth #8
We look forward to meeting you at EFMC-ISCB 2023!
The European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology (EFMC) and the Swiss Chemical Society, Division for Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology (DMCCB) will be organising the International Symposium on Chemical Biology (EFMC-ISCB) on November 16-18, 2023 in Basel, Switzerland.
Taking over the successful series launched by the NCCR Chemical Biology, the meeting will continue its tradition of high scientific quality and bring together leading scientists to showcase the latest advances in the field of chemical biology. The symposium will be co-chaired by Dr Yves P. Auberson (Novartis, CH) and Prof. Maja Köhn (University of Freiburg, DE). The programme will include plenary and invited lectures, short communications selected from submitted abstracts, a poster session, and a commercial exhibition - with ample time for discussion and networking. The programme will include the following sessions:
❖Chemical Immunology & Checkpoint Inhibitors
❖Chemical Proteomics in Drug Discovery
❖Chemically Induced Proximity
❖Computational Chemical Biology (LS-EuChemS Session)
❖New Understanding of Post-translational Modifications
❖Protein Conformations: Beyond the Ground State
❖Target Engagement and Mechanism of Action Determination
❖Targeting Metabolism (ICBS Session)
For each of the above topics, a slot in the programme will be available for an oral communication selected out of the submitted abstracts.
Medicilon drug discovery services include chemistry (synthetic chemistry, medicinal chemistry) and biology. In terms of chemistry, it can undertake multi-dimensional business such as custom synthesis, compound library construction, SAR compound synthesis and screening, compound structure and biological activity optimization.
The medicinal chemistry team deeply cross-integrates chemistry and biology into each project, and flexibly uses the powerful expertise of computational chemistry to aid the compound design process. At the same time, Medicilon extensively uses advanced drug discovery technology, including AI, PROTAC, ADC antibody drug conjugation technology, etc. Medicilon efficiently promotes customers' drug research and development projects, controls costs, and improves quality!
We look forward to welcoming you in Basel!
Date: November 16-18, 2023
Location: Basel, Switzerland
Bio-ONE深耕生物工艺四年多,累积汇聚工艺匠人4000多人。今年特别提出“简化 优化 强化”三大策略,希望通过这三大策略的攻关求索,结合智能化制造技术、结合工艺匠人技术跃升、结合公司精益运营经验,推动上下游全流程工艺突破,进一步提升药品质量与研发效率。
2023 BRD中国(上海)生物药创新开发大会,将于上海11月29-30日举办,特邀50+国内生物医药领域知名大咖,本次大会围绕以下6场专题会议展开,充分分享及研讨热门生物创新药开发进展突破及临床经典案例。